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terça-feira, 8 de fevereiro de 2005

Whirling Rainbow

You are being asked to remove any type of discord from your life in order to grow. Don't feed the negativity. Look at any lessons being presented at this time, then focus your attention on creating new beauty and abundance in your life. Do not allow yourself to be caught in the quicksand of petty tyrants. A true, worthy opponent will present lessons to make you grow beyond any high drama and into a sense of unity with the Self. Other petty tyrants are not worthy of your attention or your energy. You need not take on the issues of others when the discord is due to their lack of unity with themselves. Encircle any discord within the Whirling rainbow of Peace and consider the unity you have with the Great Mystery when you keep your eye on the goal and your feet on the Sacred Path of Beauty. Remember that any challenges to unity are equal to your ability to overcome them.

Em outras palavras. Sai-pra-lá-u-ru-cu-ba-ca!

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